Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Letters for Skye, Jessica Brockman

The Means, Douglas Brunt

This Dark Road to Mercy, Wiley Cash

Gemini, Carol Cassella

The Silent Sister, Diane Chamberlain

A Colder War, Charles Cumming

Unmanned, Dan Fesperman

The Narrow Road to the Deep North, Richard Flanagan

Sniper's Honor, Stephen Hunter

Wawona Hotel, Matthew McKay 

The Wonder of All Things, Jason Mott



The Handsome Man's Deluxe Cafe, Alexander McCall Smith

Hope to Die, James Patterson

Before The Poison, Peter Robinson\

Field of Prey, John Sandford

Carnal Curiosity, Stuart Woods


And Then There Were Nuns, Jane Christmas

Bridge for Beginners, Paul Mendelson

 Children's, Juvenile, YA

Fire Star, Chris D'Lacey

The Fourteenth Goldfish, Jennifer L. Holm

Rush Revere and the First Patriots, Rush Limbaugh

Confessions The Paris Mysteries, James Patterson

No Other Story, Dr. Cuthbert Soup

Diamond Boy, Michael Williams